
Testimonial One.
  • Glow hasn’t been just a program for me it’s an experience that has impacted in such a positive way on my life.

    Gym after gym, I just wasn’t satisfied and felt like each time I tried to adopt a healthier lifestyle I just couldn’t stick with it – lacked motivation, guidance and support.

    Having been with you on and off now for over 18 months I’ve been thrilled with the holistic approach you’ve created through Glow.

    Your programs (workouts and nutrition) are simple, get results and are easy to fit into my everyday hectic lifestyle.

    Your knowledge, support and guidance as a friend and personal trainer have made the journey enjoyable and appreciated especially when the easy option of giving up seems appealing.

    You’re online Glow Community has been an essential part of reaching my goals and have been thankful for the support and advice offered by some amazing like minded women.

    I have to thank you as health and fitness (not just exercise) is now a part of who I am and not just something I do.

    It’s a fantastic feeling to be going into my 30’s feeling better than I did in my 20’s and loving the body I’m in.

    Jen xx


Testimonial Two.
  • My glow experience was great! The eating and exercise plans are practical and full of variety so I didn’t feel bored. Whilst I didn’t ever need to contact Michelle directly (because everything was set out so well that I had no questions), I am certain she would have been available. Her weekly emails seemed to come at just the right time and her feedback on my progress was invaluable. Glow is perfect for busy women!

    Lyn  NSW


Testimonial Three.
  • “If nothing changes, nothing changes” This was the first quote Michelle sent me and this is so true. I have just finished my 4 week program and I feel fantastic. My skin looks great, my clothes feel better and I have lost almost 3 kilos and 5 cm off my waist. I have never really been overweight but I had noticed that I had put on a bit of weight around my waist and hips. I realised that after just having turned 40 if I did not do something about now it will just get harder.

    I signed up for the 4 week “Kickstart” program. I was a bit nervous about sticking to a food plan as I had never been on a diet before and most diets I have seen in magazines contained foods that were not really appealing. I was therefore greatly  surprised when the eating plan arrived and it was not dissimilar from the foods I eat now and enjoy. My biggest challenge was always going to be cutting my alcohol intake as I love wine and would often have a few drinks during the week and lots more on the weekends. This however I found very easy in the end as I was feeling so fit and healthy the last thing I wanted to do was ruin this by having a bit night drinking or a hangover. I never really had realised how much weight this put on and effects it had on the skin and body because I just enjoyed it and considered it a social thing to do.

    I had just bought some exercise equipment for home so Michelle put together a terrific program for me to do without leaving the house.Having someone put this program together for me gave me something to focus on and recording my training each day and results each week gave me the incentive I needed to stick to the program. I have just signed up for the 12 weeks maintenance program as I do not want to go back to my old ways and I have still some goals to achieve yet.

    Thank you again Michelle for your support. Look forward to more of your inspirational emails and support.

Testimonial Four.
  • Having become very dissasatisfied with face to face personal training and feeling that really I was not getting much support with what I wanted to achieve, I thought I would try online trainining.  Admittedly I was a little dubious but words cannot express how great the whole Glow journey has been. I joined Friday afternoon and Michelle contacted me that evening and had my programme to me that weekend.  Michelle gives so freely of her time and her knowledge, there is no little hidden extra costs for advice and trust me I asked quite a few questions!!!  Michelle would always get back to my emails promptly.
    As for the programme I purchased the mini  4 week “I’ve got an event coming up” and phew the fat blasting circuit was AWESOME.  You certainly knew you were alive when performing this and along with the menu plan I felt as though I was more toned at the end of my 4 weeks.  Well I enjoyed my Glow journey so much I have just purchased another 12 weeks!!!
    Thank you